One Liner General Science

one liner general science

Let’s read one-liner general science


one liner general science

  • Which micro-nutrient is present in the soil for various crops? –Manganese.
  • What is known as ‘Suicidal bags of cell’? –Lysosomes.
  • Which metal is prominently used in mobile phone batteries? –Lithium.
  • Which metal is in a liquid state at room temperature? -Gallium.
  • Which colour of light is deviated lest? –Red.
  • Which is the largest gland in the human body? –Liver.
  • Which metal is present in haemoglobin? –Iron.
  • Which part of the plant is important for the life cycle of a plant? –Flower.
  • Name the hormone that regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. –Insulin.
  • Who explained about the blood circulation for the first time? –William Harvey.
  • The radioactive element most commonly detected in humans is ………… Potassium. -40.
  • The important metal used with iron to produces stainless steel is Chromium.
  • Compounds responsible for the temporary hardness of water?–Bicarbonates of Calcium and Magnesium.
  • Which catalyst is used for the synthesis of Sulphuric Acid by Contact Process? –Platinum (Pt).
  • Which catalyst is used for the synthesis of Vanaspati Ghee? -Nickel (Ni).
  • Which salt is found in bone in the largest amount? –Calcium Phosphate.
  • The first vaccine produced by biotechnology was used against which virus? –Hepatitis-B.
  • The filament of an electric bulb is made of which metal? –Tungsten.
  • In the visible spectrum which colour has the shortest wavelength? –Violet.
  • Blood does not coagulate inside the body due to Heparin.
  • Which is responsible for the formation of ‘Ozone Holes’ in the stratosphere? –Chloro Fluro carbon.
  • Carbohydrates are stored in plants and animals in the form of Starch and Glucose.
  • What principle is used in the designing of ships and submarines? –Archimedes Principle.
  • Nitrous Oxide (N2O) is also known as –Laughing liner general science
  • The lens used in a simple microscope is –Convex.
  • The convex lenses are used for the correction of Long-Sightedness.
  • Balloons are filled with Helium.
  • Detergents used for cleaning clothes and utensils contain Sulphonates.
  • The hottest part of the gas flame is known as the Non-luminous Zone.
  • The electron was first identified by JJ Thompson.
  • The filament of an electric bulb is made up of Tungsten.
  • The element used for making solar cells is Silicon.
  • The anode of a dry cell is made up of Zinc.
  • Sea-water can be purified by the process of Distillation.
  • The gas used in the artificial ripening of fruits is Acetylene.
  • The colour of the eye depends upon the pigment present in Iris.
  • The colour of cow’s milk is slightly yellow due to the presence of Carotene.
  • An ECG shows the functioning of the Heart.
  • Bronze, brass, and gunmetal consist of which metal? –Copper.
  • The chemical name of ‘Backing Soda’ is –Sodium Bicarbonate.
  • Which fuel is used in gas welding? –Acetylene.
  • In the human digestive system, the process of digestion starts in Buccal Cavity.
  • Sodium metal should be stored in Kerosene Oil.
  • Who discovered bacteria? –Leeuwenhoek.
  • The reason for large scale diversity among the organisms is Polyploidy.
  • The term ‘Vaccination’ is derived from which language? –Latin.
  • How many elements are there in the 5th period of the Modern Periodic Table? -18.
  • Minamata disease was caused by toxic quantities of Mercury.
  • Which chemical substance is used for the preservation of fruit juice? –Sodium Benzoate.
  • Sickle-cell anaemia is a disease caused due to the abnormality in Red Blood cells.                                                                                      one liner general science







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