One Word Substitution

Let’s read one word substitution

One Word Substitution: Person or Public

  • A person who is 15 Years old Adolescent
  • A person who is 60 years old -Sexagenarian
  • A person who is 70 years old -Septuagenarian
  • A person who is 80 years old -Octogenarian
  • A person who is 90 years old -Nonagenarian
  • A person who is 100 years old -Centenarian
  • A person living at the same time -Contemporary
  • A person having the same opinions -Unanimous
  • A person recently married -Neogamist
  • A person who eats human flesh -Cannibal
  • A person who lives by himself -Recluse
  • A man of millions -Millionaire
  • A person who has no money -Impecunious
  • A person who files a suit -Plaintiff
  • A person who is very cruel -Fiend
  • A person of odd habits -Eccentric
  • A person who is inactive -Torpid
  • A person who remains unmarried -Bachelor
  • A woman who remains unmarried -Spinster/ Maid
  • A person who carries off somebody by force -Kidnapper
  • A person whose wife is dead -Widower
  • A woman whose husband is dead -Widow
  • A young unmarried woman -Maiden
  • A person sent on a mission (official) -Emissary
  • A person who is a great lover of his country -Patriot
  • A person lives in a metropolis -Metropolitan
  • A person who has a bad reputation -Notorious
  • A man having the qualities of women -Effeminate
  • A man or woman with skin and hair of auburn colour -Blonde
  • A person who brings in goods from a foreign country -Importer
  • A person who sends goods to another country -Exporter
  • A person who spends his money recklessly -Spendthrift
  • A person guilty of setting fire to the property -Arsonist
  • A person who flatters others for personal motives -Sycophant
  • A person who starves the body for the good of the soul -Ascetic
  • A person who belongs to a region from the earliest time -Aboriginal
  • A person who refuses compliance with -Recalcitrant
  • A person who opposes war or use military -Pacifist
  • A person who is recovering from an illness -Convalescent
  • A person who is easily irritated and loses temper -Irritable
  • A person who pretends to be what he is not, a pretender -Hypocrite
  • A person who lives at the same time as another -Contemporary
  • A person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain -Stoic
  • A person who flatters others for personal motives -Sycophant
  • A person who can neither read nor write -Illiterate
  • A person who has lots of investments in the private sector -Capitalist
  • A person with narrow and prejudiced religious views -Fanatic
  • A person who enjoys food and drink of high quality and knows a lot about it -Epicure
  • A person who shows a great or excessive fondness for one’s wife Uxorious

Let’s read one word substitution

one word substitution

  • A person who is insensible to kind thoughts or sympathetic feelings -Callous
  • A person who has a most uncompromising attitude especially in politics -Intransigent
  • A person who is too concerned with small details or rules especially when learning or teaching -Pedant
  • A person who is insensible to kind thoughts or sympathetic feelings -Callous
  • One who wastes money for luxury -Extravagant
  • One who hates mankind -Misanthropist
  • One who eats human flesh -Cannibal
  • One who lives on vegetables -Vegetarian
  • One who knows many languages -Linguist
  • One who possesses many talents -Versatile
  • One who receives something -Recipient
  • One who walks on ropes -Acrobat
  • One who cannot die -Immortal
  • One who journeys from place to place -Itinerant
  • One who always gets into trouble -Scapegrace
  • One who cannot be corrected or reformed -Incorrigible
  • One who cannot be easily pleased -Fastidious
  • One who believes in fate -Fatalist
  • One who is not orthodox -Heterodox
  • One who analyses handwriting -Graphologist
  • One who looks at the bright side of things -Optimist
  • One who looks at the dark side of things -Pessimist
  • One who has a belief in the existence of God -Theist
  • One who has no belief in the existence of God -Atheist
  • One who abandons his religious faith -Apostate
  • One who speaks two languages -Bilingual
  • One who fluently speaks many languages -Polyglot
  • One who believes that nothing can be said about God -Agnostic
  • One who readily believes everything and everyone -Credulous
  • One who lives in seclusion with thoughts of God -Hermit
  • One who abandons his religious faith -Apostate
  • One who makes an eloquent public speech -Orator
  • One who takes an active part in politics -Activist
  • One who thinks that human nature is essentially evil -Cynic
  • One who habitually talks while sleeping Somniloquist
  • One who walks while asleep Somnambulist 
  • One who makes a secret plan against somebody -Conspirator
  • One who has suddenly gained new wealth, power, or prestige -Parvenu
  • One who leaves his country to settle elsewhere -Emigrant
  • One who is qualified to navigate an aircraft -Navigator
  • One who is given to pleasure of the flesh -Epicurean
  • One who defends or is zealous for his country’s freedom or rights -Patriot
  • One who comes as a settler into a foreign country -Immigrant
  • One who undergoes the penalty of death for sticking to his faith -Martyr
  • One who loves and works for his fellow men -Philanthropist
  • One who makes love now to one and now to another -Philanderer
  • One who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks -Teetotaller
  • One who lends money at exorbitant rates of interest -Usurer
  • One who cannot be corrected or reformed -Incorrigible
  • One who takes pleasure in cruel, inhuman, and unnatural acts of tyranny -Sadist
  • One who plays a game for pleasure and not professionally -Amateur

one word substitution

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